Yesterday night, my family were do a shopping in Queensbay Mall, especially in Jusco Departmental Store. We were shopped for Year End shopping to buy some clothes for coming soon CNY 2008. We just walked into Jusco Department Store first, looking for some clothes I liked. The brand of Cheetah and Forest that I choose. The clothes really nice in view. I bought three of the brand. Cost about RM80 somethings, comfortable for the branded clothes la.....
Besides we do our shopping in Jusco, my sister and I were went out to the Queensbay Mall main hall to take some christmas decorations' photos. Just like that:

The blue colour light with the christmas decorations rounded the round hall. Is it cool and fantastic? The decorations just like 5 stars hotel's style. Just the blue colour light can be changed to Golden light in hotel.

Under the main hall, we saw a stage that advertised by High School Muusical2's banner. High School Musical2 really famous in this year. Many peoples like it, especially teenagers. Maybe I think that have some activities or promotions of the products or whatever else. Beside the stage, have four christmas trees rounded it. Is it nice?

Just a little christmas tree that I take shot in Jusco departmental store. Really cute that put at the table of counter. That time almost shops closed, so that I just can take this photos. Hehe....

When we walked the Jusco departmental store, I saw that the Jusco's banner also have christmas decorations. Really cool of this atmosphere of christmas. Hehe... Countdown of christmas, just have about 15 days to go. Celebrate it la!!

Walked out from Jusco, we saw a medium christmas was state at South Zone. The colour can be changed about few minutes. Just look that, the light will turned purple and also can turn blue!! I took a picture there also. GenYong with Christmas Tree!! Hehe... Really fantastic to look that!!

Just walked pass Vince shop, I saw that there also have christmas decorations. Cool!! The winter and the christmas tree. Really christmasy in Queensbay Mall!! I hope that I can go to there again to take some photos. Maybe I will be Gurney Plaza next week, meet me la!!
Posted by GenYong 09/12/2007
Wow those are real nice pics !
And great blog BTW ! how old are you ? 12 ? Wow !
Really nice pics, Great Christmas decorations!
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