For your information, I just promised that I will post the delayed post in recent post. This post I will write it!! Just get scolded by my mum yesterday night. Why? The reason was I did nothing this holiday, just blogging. Is it blog anything wrong? But I just ignore it, and just accept this advice.
Alright, can we start our post? I just simply start, cause this is pass post. Just simply write la!! Last Wednesday, my KL aunt and my cousin was came out to Penang. That's sure we must joined them to go out for some activities and bring them to some special places of Penang. In home, we just play with my little cousin>Keegan.

Is it he was dancing along? His cloth really nice!! Cute right? Haha!!

Ahaaa.... Just woke up!! Walked out to my uncle house boungany to view of the "morning view" of Relau. All buildings was like the.......... Haha...
After that, we went to Air Itam for having our lunch. Is just my aunt's favourite>Laksa . Srrr...... Cool!! Then, we reached Air Itam(under Penang Hill). Just focus at the picture:

Do you know where is it? That's opposite the Kafe Asia of Penang Hill. Hmm..... The Laksa and Kuei Teow Soup at there was delicious!! Wow!!

I can't eat too spicy food, so I just choose Kuei Teow Soup lo!! Much delicious!! After having this, I felt so full!! Ahaa.....
At night, my uncle invited us to the new Bali Bali Cafe at Sungai Dua(near Yellow house there). There really many of choices for meals, but price is not cheap oh!! But also have many of peoples went there to have their dinner. Let's see the picture, you will know that how many peoples is it:

Just look la^^ Is it many peoples? The design of this cafe nice!! Like new cafe right? That's new la!!

Just look at Keegan boy sit at the baby sit in the cafe!! Come on smile~~=) Haha!!

Just look at me!! GenYong in Bali Bali Cafe!! This was the picture I put into my MSN!! Haha... Is it nice? This was taken by
That sure I won't forget to take for the banner of the cafe. This was taken in car, cause that night was rainning heavily. So that, you can view properly. Sorry for that!!
I will update soon!! But just not confirm that can update daily or not!! I will try my best to update!! Thanks for support!! Posted by GenYong 18/12/2007
ur cousin is sooo cute! :D
The older generation is always like that, if only they could see the future of blogging...haha
Anyway, blog when you are free and don't neglect your studies when school reopens.
plan yout time properly lo.... dont be sad la....
dont sad.... my mother also like tat..... she scold me y keep on stick in front pc... haha... normal lioa lor...... u plan ur time n try 2 divide ur time between blog n school since school will open soon (3 jan 2008)
asia cafe is not bad, some more got WIFI... but some time the speed are slow
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