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Alright, this post I titled it be christmas dinner. Actually we went to Bukit Tambun to have our " christmas dinner" This was invited by my uncle. Ahaa... That night I ate a lot too.... Hehe... Let's me show you some photos that I shot!!

Firstly, we started our journey from Bayan Lepas(my hometown) to Butterworth. That's me in car which taken by my sister. Is it cool? I wear black shirt!!
About 6.30pm, we reached Butterworth and fetched my grandmum(Mother's side). Then we continue journey to Bukit Tambun. Ahaa... That was sure I shot for the view of the restaurant first!!

The restaurant that we have been!! 义成 "yi seng"(in hokkien), heard from my uncle said that there have delicious meals!! All seafoods? Almost la. Cause the restaurant near sea.

The view of Bukit Tambun's port. Look at the boats, they used it to catch fishes and all the sea living things. That's really nice of the scenery!! Cool.

Also crowded of peoples? Haiz... But is okay for us, because my aunt already reserved the place!! Ahaa... The restaurant was so long!!

The customers was eat and view the sea!! That's really SeaView of Bukit Tambun.

Our meals was coming!! Delicious. Hmm... You just look at my cousins and my aunt, they ate until so fun!!

Later, the fish was coming. Wow!! The fish was so delicious. I would like the order another one! Haha... One fish cost RM 20 somethings, I think so. And also the crabs costed RM 85 somethings.

What is this? My cousin called me to shot it!! Really what is this? A cute living things, but must be careful for their body!!
After finish dinner, that was a thunderstorm rained heavily. We wait there for about half an hour went back!! Went back home about 10.00pm, tired at that time and I slept early that night!! Is just about this "christmas dinner"!! Next post: We went out with KL aunt.
Posted by GenYong 27/12/2007
I had my Christmas dinner at home. Wa, what living thing is that? Is that edible? Look at their shapes...
wah look sooo nice... i also have my christmas party at my aunt place..... u can view my blog 4 more information..... Tat thing is call labi-labi..... becarefull cos it can bite one :P
wah, tambun seafood. nice nice.
Oh my.. i havent been to Tambun for quite some tme ady... And that "thing" is edible one.. Hahaha
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