Yo!! Today is holiday. Hari Raya Haji, is it for we chinese? No la, just for Malay them to celebrate. haha!! Just don't mind at it la!! We went to pray at temples for next year 2008!! This morning I woke up 8.00am to prepare for going out!!
First, we went to the temple which near Dewan Sri Pinang. Just look at the picture!! You can imagine that how many peoples in the temple!! Wow, a lot peoples lo!!

And then we rounded at the Komtar!! Just look at the building. Ahaa....!!

This picture was taken in car ah.... Haha... Not easy oh!!

Then, we went to the temple of buddhas. Aha... This picture^^ taken by me lo!! Hehe... Is it nice? Lol...

We felt hungry on that time, then we went to nearest restaurant in Greenlane. That's Mc Donald's lo!! I have a Filet O Fish burger for my lunch. Is it so delicious and fully!! Haha...
Sorry for that guys, cause that I felt that busy to do somethings. So that, my post become more short!! So I'm sorry for that!! Hope that you all will be ignore it!! I will update soon!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Posted by GenYong 20/12/2007
dont think of whether it's hosrt or long, if you only posted photos without writing, also can.... not really need to write very long.
wish u Merry Christmas n Happy New Year 2008....... Ya.... dont need 2 post pic..... if u really bz, just some few word will do lor..... looking 4ward 2 hear from u soon
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