Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy Mooncake Festival 2009

Picture credited from
Another festival reached to our daily life. This year how you celebrate mooncake festival? I am so disappointed that couldn't celebrate with all of you. But hopefully by this short update can send my greeting to everyone. Mid Autumn Festival is a festival which everyone gathers together and share for the feelings with others. Not only taste for the mooncakes but also children will play along with the lanterns and listen to the story.

In addition I wish everyone 家好月圆庆中秋, celebrate a wonderful Mid Autumn Festival with your family. Happy Mooncake Festival! 中秋节快乐。Posted by GenYong 03.10.2009

1 comment:

Deb said...

hi rmb mee? XD started new blogg just for fun.
lemme knw if it works XD