Futsal here, I would like to announce that Euro 2008 is coming within 1 hour 30 minutes to go! Have you prepared well for this 4 years once big Europe football match. I am now in Malaysia and reading some breaking news about Euro 2008. My dad now already went out for watching the Euro LIVE in mamak stall near my house. My house got Astro, but we didn't subscribe for the sports package so my dad need to go out to watch the match. Alright, if I want to watch it, I can simply turn into TV3 or NTV7 to watch LIVE as same as Astro. This match already prepared well and will be start to match it now! As me just a student, can't bet for this match. But I still can watch this match right? Sure. This match you can't miss out! It's really important and so interactive for all futsal member. Check it out this website for more details.

p/s The JJC ANC Part 2 will be delay until next post as well.
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