Sunday, June 8, 2008

CLHS Junior Jaycees Club ANC 2008 Part 2

Everyone here I would like to apologize that just now the whole morning my blog can't be view and take a lot time to load it. This might be server problem, I hope everyone of you can be forgive me on this problem. Anyway, futsal here did you check out the first match of Euro 2008 yesterday midnight? I would like to recognize all futsal here, I was put up the tournament and some news+photos on my blog. Check it out and see!

Alright, now continue with the CLHS JJC ANC 2008 part 2. Now let's the photos up!
The band group started to LIVE up their music and pop hitz. The whole venue was so high at that time!
The pro singer was singing along there. He made everyone there very high. We were keep shouting to show our 'high' lol.
Then, there was the prize giving session. Our club get 2 awards and almost awards grabbed by Hua Lian High School JJC.
There Hua Lian High School JJC group shot.
Jit Sin High School also won an award and they have a group photo with their JJC banner. Quite creative!

Hua Lian High School JJC get many awards, so I snapped a lots of photos. Truely, their girls members seems so pretty and their boys members seems so cool and handsome. I like it! XD.
The last, there was the ceremony director JJC E-Jiat. He was perform with our outgoing executive vice president. Ejiat play his piano around and the EVP sang along the song so nice! It's really great!

By the event, I recorded some videos. I think I will going to modify first, later if got time baru post up to share with you all la. My holidays seems ends here and tomorrow is going to school continue for my study. Alright, I will miss you again and my blog through around my study life! Posted by GenYong 08/06/2008

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