Saturday, March 15, 2008

After election, still keep quarrel!

Have what to discuss about? Tonight, let me to go through with you all about the quarrel after election. Think 30 years ago, that's 1969. Everyone still remember 513? This might be so sensitive to government of Malaysia. I scared to discuss about this topic too! Following pictures were grab from KwongWah YitPoh.

■ 截至今日下午2时许,逾千名巫青团团员聚集在光大市中心拉横幅展开和平纠察,要求槟州新政府实行采纳新经济政策,以捍卫马来人权益。现场有者更高喊:“Hidup Melayu!(马来人万岁)”。

■ 警员驻守光大维持秩序,市民在现场围观。

■ 大批联邦镇暴部队接获通知后,纷纷赶抵现场维持秩序。

■ 新光大的部份商家也暂停营业。

■ 示威行动导致交通陷入瘫痪。

■ 慕沙:公开招标及谈论公平就是破坏马来族群的举动。

■ 丹绒区部主席拿督阿末:行动党在竞选期间没说要取消新经济政策,马来人被骗走选票。

■ 前往槟城大桥路段的塞车情况并非示威所造成。

Alright, seems that so many peoples group in KOMTAR area. What were they do for? This was cause of the election, DAP this time won the Penang almost seats. UMNO not shiok at them, then will cause this happened. But this was just a quarreling or gathering that can I say. No peoples dead, no injured! Because the polices were standby at there, FRU was coming out also! Cool.

Luckily, yesterday afternoon my club Koperasi didn't continue the trip to KOMTAR. We received this news about on 1.00pm. So we cancelled the trip, this will be post on next post. Anyway, as now our Prime Minister Dato Abdullah Badawi promised Malaysia will be peace! Not quarrel! Penang new prime minister Dato Lim Guan Eng also said that they will treat us well, everyone of us! We are Anak Malaysia! Right?

As now I received from the latest news said that keep stay at home better, nothing just don't want go out! This is just prevent the next quarrel happen! Malaysia is a peace country compare than other countries. So we must be proud at it la! LOL.
This post was posted y GenYong 15/03/2008

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