Sunday, June 5, 2011

LED Region 1 Leo Leadership Camp

It was happened long time ago, about 2 months ago. I found those photos from my camera and would like to share out with everyone. Actually I was a Leo since year 2009, this year is my last year to be an alpha Leo which means under the age of 18. Next year I hope I can continue my Leo spirit and join Leo Club again as an omega Leo!
I didn't join this camp actually. I was joining them right after my activities because that day I was having some works and can't participate on it! I was there sitting at the back and watching what they were trying to share out about Leo Clubs.
After watching their sharing moments, I was following the organizing committees to prepare for the games stuffs. Water balloons! I tried to make some water balloons. It was hard to make it and seriously need to control the water and make sure there is no overflow and it was really hard when tighten it with fingers.
Actually playing was more than making. Different sizes of the water balloon let those guys thinking of other things. But we were okay for that, because we had already grown up! xD. We filled up the water to support those balloons to prevent the water balloon get spoiled.
See! As I said we played more than made! xD. We were making this outside the toilet of Han Chiang high school. I was so glad to see that Han Chiang having such kind of good service compare to my school Chung Ling. Their toilets and washrooms were out of smelly... I can imagine that their students were so take care of their toilets! Posted by GenYong 05.06.2011

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