Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chung Ling Interact Club 2010 Installation

Last month, I went a lot of Installations such as my own club Region 1 Leo Clubs Installation which falls on 5th of September 2010 and 6th September 2010 was PCGHS Interact Club Installation and also the Chung Ling Interact Club 2010 Installation. I will take the Chung Ling Interact Club Installation to post up first before I go through the Leo and PCGHS Interact Club Installation
From Chung Ling Interact Club Installation what I want to comment is they had spent a lot of cost on lighting system and the stage coordinates. Good job for this! Too waste there were not much people attended compared to PCGHS Interact Club Installation.
Somebody said maybe is the venue problem or the publicity not so good. From my friend, he admitted that publicity was not enough and can't attract people to attend. Besides that, PCGHS Interact Club using the Wawasan Open University Theater Room, it's more packed and looks more people inside!
Somehow what I want to say to those organizing committees! Well done and great job on this time installation. At least we tried our best to make out the event in short time! XD The performances and all the programs were well planned and there were also lots of band performances too!
Rapping performances, Live Band performances, Magic Performances and also break dancing performances were rocks up the whole Chung Ling High School Hall. Besides that, the committees still prepared the mazes for the mysteries of the theme "Wizardry"! The two crystal trophies above were done by me and it cost RM 70 each one! Wow... Posted by GenYong 06.10.2010