由光明日报荣誉呈现的贺岁庆典,槟城庙会又来到了中路光明日报总社。2010年2月6日下午5点,“过大好年” 槟城庙会正式开始。现场有玩乐的游戏,展览,讲座,表演等, 让你迎接虎年的到来!我于当天出席了这场盛会,感觉很热闹也许这就是新年的气氛吧!我拍了许多照片想和大家分享,再次先祝大家武甲虎威,新年快乐,万事如意。
The lion dance preparations.
A grand CNY celebration organized by Guang Ming Daily was held on 06th February 2010 at Macalister Road. The meaning of theme is "Have A Good Year" which mean the Tiger Year will be the good year for everyone! Hopes everyone get best lucks on this new year! So I had taken quite a number of photos. Share here with everyone!
I saw one mother and son were playing the 打年糕.
The distributer was busy gave out those CNY Calendars and CNY banners.
There were too many peoples waiting for the calligraphy writing. So the students reporter was so busy to tackle with the crowds... As you can see there were many people waiting around.
There was crowded of people.
The organizer also prepared a ceremony for those visitors.
There are many creative games prepared by the organizer. It was crowded by peoples and mostly photographers there busy shooting for those games. They also prepared some water based games for visitors such as throw orange and put the lotus lantern.
There was one lady throwing orange and wish to have a good husband.
Besides that, the organizer was so kind. They think of those visitors who still hungry. They prepare for those Hakka food stalls inside the canteen and also Teo Chew Beng sponsored food too!
There was a 财神爷 welcome people to Penang and not to forget wish people 发啊!Huat ah!
There was a lot of small pieces of red papers on the board.
There were also a lot of birds waiting for freedom. XD!
The father and son were picking those seeds for the competition.
Some still try out their calligraphy on stone.
This year I was so lucky because I skipped my tuition and went for it together with my dad. My dad drop me there and he went for dinner. I met
Kenny Chun,
ahKOK, HimKeat,
Kelvin Woes, Ong Lai and many leos... Not really walk with them but I managed to have some photos with Kokahkok.
There will have 3 more posts I think in order to complete this series... Wish everyone Happy New Year! and Happy Birthday too... 7th day. Posted by GenYong 20.02.2010