After registration, everyone was getting this souvenir. It was a simple hand made souvenir but really sent out the message of England! EPL logo and England National Flag were showing to the public about this IU Day is all about the England!

The hall was nice and class! The full air-conditioned hall and a very comfortable places for a function. It was kinda down due to the poor attendances from people, maybe it was cheng beng on that day.

The Black Tie Republic was on the stage for band performances! They brought to everyone few rock songs but I already forget what songs were they. Overall Black Tie Republic Band structure was like 1 Malaysia, inside contains of Chinese, Malay, Indian, Western too! Some of the participants were informed to come in front and rocked with them!!

Besides that, they also slotted in games session for the interactions among Interactors. Rotaractors were guided those Interactors to play with everyone and they were having fun while playing with the balloons. Tight the balloon on your foot, then rush around and step people's balloon until it burst! xD.

The Anatomix Band with Gini Teoh who was the Leo Idol 2009 Penang Champion! They really rock up the whole event! Everyone was cheered up and remain at the front stage rocking with them! Seriously, Gini rocks!
Here come some group shots with friends.

Chee Meng and me

Hong Sheng and Tevis Looi

Myself with a peace sign! This was taken by Jia Liang

After the performances the high tea was provided to every participants and most of them were complained that very hungry! Crowds were there rushing for food. xD... But luckily everyone gets the food!

Alvin Lee were there serving the fruit tarts to us! I like both tarts very much and these tarts were grabbing fast by the participants. It was not cheap and according to my aunt, she said a big size can be selling in the price of RM 2.50 perhaps for this smaller size already selling on RM 0.70 each! It was really nice... Good! Posted by GenYong 19.04.2011